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The Princess of UAE was treated successfully with MEBO Burn Ointment and "MEBO" Enjoyed International Reputation
MEBO International Group |
As we know, UAE is a rich nation full of petroleum. And across the land, the Crown Prince owns the sovereign authority and great fortunes. In 1989, the Princess of Crown Prince Khalid was badly burned. The princess was brilliant and gorgeous by nature and she was the apple of Crown Prince’s eye. Even though received emergency treatment, the Princess was still left with scar on the burned wounds. Especially on her neck, because of the skin-grafting operation, the lovely princess’s head appeared to be a little askew. “The person who can cure the Princess will receive an ample reward.” This information from Royalty was not only seductive but also terrifying. Everyone knew that “an ample award” meant what a large of fortune it would be; while everyone also knew that if the one failed to cure the princess, how bad would the result be. It took more than one million dollars to treat the Princess in many famous hospitals all over the US, German and so on. But the Princess was not cured yet. The lovely girl was very sad and always sat in front of the mirror and cried all days. At last, Dr. Xu Rongxiang’s stories spreaded into UAE and with the help of Chinese Embassy in UAE someone requested that Dr. Xu could cure the Princess. After seeing the pictures of Princess’s burn wounds, Dr. Xu said that “for the skin grafting wounds, I am not sure. But I can ensure you of those without skin-grafting. But at present I failed to go to UAE. They can come to China for the treatment” In July 1991, the Crown Prince, his wife and the Princess arrived in China. After Dr. Xu’s treatment, one week later, there was fresh pink skin tissues appeared in the wounds. And 4 months later, the Princess was well and as beautiful as before the burn. In Feb. 1992, the UAE Crown Prince formally invited Dr. Xu and his wife to visit UAE and received the highest royal reception. The Crown Prince wanted to give the award to Dr. Xu but he was gracefully declined by him. Dr. Xu said that “it is based on humanism and the Sino-UAE friendship that I consented to treat the Princess. If you really want to give me rewards, I sincerely hope that we can reach technical cooperation and in that case, more and more royal families can benefit from my technology and products. ” The Crown Prince responded that from now on we would be friends. During Dr. Xu’s visit in UAE, the two sides reached the cooperative agreement to set up the packaging basement in the Gulf Pharmaceutical Industries. The successful treatment of the Princess opened the window for Dr. Xu’s technology and products into Arab countries states and further promoted the steps towards the world! 阿联酋,海湾富国。有人说,他们靠着丰富的石油资源,是直接从骆驼背跳上奔驰车的。在这个君主国里,王储拥有至高无尚的权力和巨大的财富。 普通的人会被烧伤、烫伤,地位显赫的人也会被烧伤、烫伤,只不过显赫人受伤之后就可能成为惊动全国的显赫事件。 1989年底的一天,阿联酋王储哈立德宠妃的小女儿被女仆不小心烫伤。小公主天生丽质,美丽动人,平时被王储视若掌上明珠。虽然经过抢救治疗,但小公主被烫伤的部位还是留下了疤痕,特别是脖子因为经过植皮,整个头都显得有些歪斜,一朵含苞欲放的花蕾显出凋零。 "谁能治好小公主,谁将得到优厚的报酬。"王室传出的这条消息既诱人又惧人。谁都知道,在这富得流油的王国的"优厚报酬"是什么--那将是终生享受不尽的荣华富贵;谁也明白,如果医治不好,那将不仅仅是身败名裂了。 为了治愈小公主,阿联酋几乎找遍了美国、德国等许多医术高明的医院,前后花费了100多万美元,但小公主仍然难展花容。公主整日对镜哭泣,王妃日夜愁眉不展,王储更是火气旺盛,动辄发怒。整个王室笼罩着沉重的肃杀气氛。 终于,徐荣祥的声名传到了阿联酋。有人找到中国驻阿联酋领事馆,请求徐荣祥教授到阿联酋为小公主医治。 徐荣祥看过小公主烫伤部位的照片后回答:"植过皮的部位我不敢保证,没有植过皮的部位我可以打保票。但是,目前我不能去阿联酋,他们要治可以来中国。" 1991年7月,一架旅游专机将阿联酋王储哈立德夫妇及小公主一行40人载到北京。他们几乎包下了北京最豪华饭店--王府饭店的一半。 徐荣祥妙手施神技,小公主果然容颜回春。经过徐大夫治疗,小公主一个星期患部就发生了明显变化;当王储一行去印尼转了一圈返回北京时,小公主的疤痕已经开始消退,并长出粉红色的新皮肤。4个月后,从阿联酋寄回的小公主照片已是面若桃花,美丽如初。来信附带的医生报告说,小公主没有植皮部位已经疤痕消失,植过皮的部位也有60%的平复。 1992年2月,阿联酋王储正式邀请徐荣祥夫妇去阿联酋做客。在治疗小公主期间,王储曾要给徐荣祥报酬,徐荣祥谢绝了。他当时说:"我治疗小公主是基于人道主义和中阿两国人民的友谊。如果您要报答,那么我希望以后能和我的技术合作,以使贵王国更多人使用上我的药膏。"王储深沉地点了点头,说:"您今后就是我的朋友了。" 徐荣祥当时并没有理解哈立德王储这句话的真正含意,直到他亲临阿联酋酋长国国土,受到了如同王公贵族般的接待后才明白"王储朋友"的份量。 在办理去阿联酋的出入手续时,阿联酋驻国际商业银行的总裁对徐荣祥说:"徐先生,哈立德王储殿下告诉我,您是他的朋友,不管您需要什么,都从我的帐号上出钱。要知道,您是王储的朋友,而我是王储的仆人,为王储的朋友服务是我的职责。"徐荣祥这才明白,为什么这次出国手续办得如此顺畅,而且不用拿一分钱,原来这位"总裁"是哈立德的一个"帐房先生"啊! 徐荣祥与夫人李俐在阿联酋受到隆重的接待,过了几天神仙般的日子,访问期间,阿联酋决定全面进行烧伤治疗技术的改革,聘请徐荣祥为最高技术顾问;双方在海湾制药厂建立烧伤膏包装基地,由中国供应原料,在当地包装后销售。 徐荣祥救治了一个小公主,打开了阿拉伯国家一扇窗口,在走向世界的征程中又迈了一大步!
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